Monday, December 31, 2012

A new paper mache project...

I have two passions that just straight up make me & papier mache...thanks to a new camera remote that Santa brought I can do both.

Below you'll find some shots of a work in progress.  Documentation of my work is also something I'm compulsive about...but I do leave certain things out: such as certain techniques that have taken me years to an artist, discovery is a huge part of the art...I wouldn't want to rob anyone of that fun....ENJOY!

This is one of those for fun type things, a friend challenged me...I've accepted the challenge!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Finished Plaster Pea Pod Sculpture

The Finished Pea Pod

So I have finished the pea pod...this piece holds such a piece of my heart & soul...  I had intended on writing up a full artist statement for the piece, but in truth; it just brings up so many emotions I don't think I really can and manage to do it justice.

If you're curious, you can read my past blogs on this piece...perhaps a time will come when I'll be able to actually put it all down in words, but that time isn't now.

What I will say is this...Marylou, Pam, Danny & Kevin...this one is for you...I love you

On a side note...the feet were added in a bit of a hurry....I plan to create two much more appropriate feet for this piece.  It has been suggested I submit this piece to the undergrad art show...I hope to follow through with that and hopefully you'll be seeing this piece displayed appropriately in a gallery or perhaps into a collection very soon!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Part 3: Plaster Pea Pod Sculpture

This sculpture is turning out to be a heck of a lot of work, a huge learning experience (in that I'm working with a new medium) AND quite time consuming.  After another 3 hours of work today, I think I may finally be ready to change the pieces direction to try applying plaster to another area of the work.  After today's application of plaster I believe I have the one side thick enough to bare weight without worrying that it will crack.  Most of the progress made today was on the inside, ends and the peas themself.  

When I worked on this piece a few days I ago I discovered that as the studio warmed up...solely from the sun shining in the windows, the plaster began to set too quickly, leaving me either in a hurry...or wasting medium (which I only prepared up to about a gallon at a time).  Today the studio was FRIGID...not by choice mind you, but the plaster seemed to set less quickly; allowing me a bit more time to make choices about where and how it would be applied.  

Not quite as many images this time as most of the work was layering: but documentation has become a huge part of the process while I work.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Part 2: Plaster application to pea pod armature

Process photos: adding plaster to the wood/wire armature

For those of you who enjoy seeing the process, the following is a series of photos of the first stages of adding plaster to a wood/wire armature...the piece is the pea pod I've been working on...