Sunday, November 25, 2012

Part 3: Plaster Pea Pod Sculpture

This sculpture is turning out to be a heck of a lot of work, a huge learning experience (in that I'm working with a new medium) AND quite time consuming.  After another 3 hours of work today, I think I may finally be ready to change the pieces direction to try applying plaster to another area of the work.  After today's application of plaster I believe I have the one side thick enough to bare weight without worrying that it will crack.  Most of the progress made today was on the inside, ends and the peas themself.  

When I worked on this piece a few days I ago I discovered that as the studio warmed up...solely from the sun shining in the windows, the plaster began to set too quickly, leaving me either in a hurry...or wasting medium (which I only prepared up to about a gallon at a time).  Today the studio was FRIGID...not by choice mind you, but the plaster seemed to set less quickly; allowing me a bit more time to make choices about where and how it would be applied.  

Not quite as many images this time as most of the work was layering: but documentation has become a huge part of the process while I work.

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