Saturday, March 23, 2013

365 portrait failed......

365 portrait failed......

So, I have failed at the 365 self portraits I started for the year.  Not by choice as much as by overload.  When I took on the 365 challenge I knew it was going to be tough, but my school work this semester just has to take priority over my fun.  While I did enjoy some of the task at hand, I found that I was being pushed to publish portraits that lacked all that I had in mind for the project.  I hope to continue publishing my photography and other art forms, but the series is on hold for awhile.  I have a few weeks of the semester left, very important weeks, and then I hope to have more time to spend shooting.  I've met an area photographer who has a studio close to my home, with a little luck, I'll find myself an avenue to distribute my work.  

As a new and up & coming artist, its time to start selling my work and I honestly have no idea where to start.  If anyone out there has advice for me...please feel free to comment or contact me as I could use all the advice I can get!  Outside of photography, I really enjoy sculpting and painting...though painting is something I'm still trying to grasp!  

I plan to post photo's of a few pieces I'm currently working, so please, keep watching for updates!

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