Sunday, June 10, 2012

A framed papier mache diorama

When the subject of diorama came onto the scene...I thought...good grief...again.  So instead of being annoyed with the task at hand, I found a way to make it interesting.  My recent passion for papier mache had my mind working over how I could create a more complex scene using only paper...and on what could I build it up from.

I knew what scene I wanted to artist just coming into the light.  Much implied...a very personal piece.  I came up with the idea of a wooden frame...sketched it out...hauled my husband off to buy wood and set him to work building me a frame.  Once I had that....I went to work on the sculpture.  I really love much of the sculptures qualities prior to the addition of color.  The color I most like is a simple watercolour stain though the use of acrylics became important to cover some of the bolder prints on the paper...future projects will be based on paper selection more so than this first as I feel the color hides the true art of the sculpture.

I do enjoy the piece...I enjoyed the work and I have a plan to do a series of these with specific theme though smaller in size...this one is approx 18" X 24"... My husband & wonderful assistant will be busy building me new frameworks...I will be busy on my next project...

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