Thursday, April 30, 2015

Acrylic on panel sculpted painting by Susan Komer

So I have two paintings to share, one is a 22"x22" acrylic on is based on the other sculpted piece which is mixed media 16.5"x17.5" also on panel.  I began the smaller piece first, experimenting a bit with my medium.  As any artist knows...sometimes an experiment works...sometimes it doesn't.  In this case, my sculpture cracked...I kind of thought it might, but I went with it anyway and yes...cracks!  But, rather than toss the cracked piece in the 'never to be seen' pile, I decided to keep working it.  The painting is just about complete, the 3D sculpted piece is still being worked...but I thought I'd share them both on the same post so that you can see the two together.

The idea behind it...facing ones fears.  While I've been pursuing my dreams of art school and an art career for the past 5 years, I had spent the previous 20 as a stay home mom & wife.  Going back out into the world to pursue my own dreams was a terrifying thing to do...especially attending OSU where my peers are all younger than my own children.  Now, I'm one semester from graduation and more happy than I could have ever imagined.  Fear, what a either have to face it head on or let it hold you back.  I chose to face it, a choice I will never regret!

If you like what I'm doing, please feel free to find me on Flickr and instagram as in progress is often posted on instagram and my Flickr account features lots of my photographic work.  If you like to hear my thoughts...this is the place to be!  Don't forget to follow me so don't miss my updates and to hit the google + to share my work with others.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Acrylic painting on panel in progress by Susan Komer

I've been busy finishing up this semester of school...studying for exams, writing final papers and this...a final painting for my painting 2 class.  I've been working in acrylic on panel...the first panel I've ever constructed on my own.  It was an interesting and quite simple process really, once you get passed the fear of those friggen saws!  Yes they are dangerous and the noise is deafening...but the results of a panel are wonderful.  In the past I've stretched my own canvas and worked on papers, cardboard, and anything else that stayed still long enough for me to gesso...but panel is by far my favorite.

My original piece is a mixed media piece of this same image...though I must confess that through a bit of experimentation I had a catastrophic failure.  I was sculpting the image out of papier mache and wanted to see what would happen by adding an air dry clay to the greatest fear happened...massive cracking.  In its own way it is interesting to look I'm continuing to work the piece, I'll be posting pics of that later.  For now, this is the work in progress of the acrylic on panel.  I used a glaze for the background/water...the rest is acrylic with retardant for the purposes of blending.

The hardest part seems to be waiting for one part to dry before I start hitting the next.  The painting is currently a bit further along than this, but I thought I'd at least update you all to where I am at this point with a photo of the painting from last night.  As I get a bit further with this one and the other...yes I fully intend to finish that other one...cracks and all...I'll post more pics.

Enjoy!  And don't forget, you can find me on flickr & instagram.  I hope you'll choose to follow me here on my blog & on my other feeds...thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

A new mixed media abstract painting by Susan Komer

For this painting I was doing a lot of experimentation with different mediums to see what would happen.  I was playing with glazing, modeling paste, wax, wax paper, newspaper, plastic wrap, packaging name it, I think I tried it.  I'm a very process oriented painter...thinking more about the materials and how I apply them.  Part of the fun for me is in constructing something new.  I did this painting to test out some things and now I'm going to work a new one based on some of what I've learned while doing this one.  The next painting will deal mainly in glazing with paper...I've started it, but only have the base down.  I'll post a progress pic once it gets a little further, but until then, here's the one I finished...enjoy!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Photography by Susan Komer

I went for a two hour walk this morning in Clintonville, Ohio.  The weather was beautiful, 80 degrees, only slightly overcast with a breeze just perfect for walking.  I shoot with a Nikon 610 that I bought just a little under a year ago.  Though I do have both Nikon & Canon, I prefer Nikon.  When I shoot film I have a massive collection of film camera's but favor my old Pentax and my Holga 120mm.

If you enjoy my work, you can also view my photo stream on Flickr by doing a copy/paste of the following link.

A few new photos by Susan Komer

As promised, I'm trying to keep myself more active here.  These are a few shots from my hike today out at Whetstone park in Columbus, Ohio.  If you enjoy my photography you can also find me on Flickr by clicking the following link.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Mixed Media abstract painting in progress by Susan Komer

Mixed Media has always been my favorite form of abstract painting.  I've been working on this one for a bit as I've been using it to experiment with modeling paste, glazes and different found materials.  This one is almost done, though after working my way through it, I've found a few new processes I plan to use for the next one.  

Enjoy :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

New works by Susan Komer

New works...

It has been a very busy year as I'm finishing up my last year at OSU.  While trying to complete works for class, I've also been trying to build up work for my personal portfolio.  This past year I've done several new and exciting things including building my own pinhole cameras (the one pictured is a papier-mâché pig where the snout is used as the shutter, images shot onto 4x5 sheet film) and a slit cam (featured with a full length 120mm image) which were featured in a show at the beginning of this year called the Great Camera Build Off.  I've also been working on abstract paintings ( the acrylic paintings in red--relating to my own fathers battle with alcoholism) and some new sculptures which just aren't quite ready to share. The first six images were shot in Mount Sterling Ohio as well as at Deer Creek State Park in Ohio and the double image with me sitting between them began as a class project but have become a growing series of work.  Enjoy!

Thanks for stopping by!  I encourage you comment on my work and if you're interested in making a purchase, please contact me via my Facebook link through a private message or Google+.