Sunday, November 18, 2012

Part 2: ceramic sculpture ready to slip

Part 2: the piece is ready to slip

This piece is about a way...a self-portrait.  For me, it is symbolic of a long struggle to reach my goal...the brass ring so to speak.  Though I've overcome many things (climbed the proverbial mountain) and reached that ring; I have yet to completely acquire it...but I'm still working on it!  My ultimate goal, being in possession of that ring, is to be able to support myself through my artwork.  

Taking photos of the process is a neat way for me to mark progress, document the process and to learn from the work I'm doing.  Below are photos of the process up to the point it is now ready to slip.  That part of things will have to happen at school, in the studio, to which I will hopefully be able to snap some shots for a Part 3 for this particular blog. I am also working a plaster sculpture and hope to have a process blog for that posted soon as well.

Thanks for taking an interest!

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