Thursday, April 5, 2012

Muybridge fun

 This is a second attempt at playing with this Muybridge image....the first time I worked completely digitally....this one, we worked on hardcopies that were then scanned and animated.


  1. Interesting! What is the significance of the flamingo?

    1. Kate Shannon: I chose the flamingo for its length & color & somewhat comical appearance. I like to draw little characters and wanted to take the opportunity to put one into action. The original flamingo in my sketchbook is wearing sneakers. I like the idea of my work being in color, while leaving the original frame images alone: separate,yet the same. The flamingo seems to casually notice the Muybridge horse running through....symbolic of the many hands these 12 frames have seen....the horse seems to just be passing through a moment in the flamingo's life rather than the flamingo through his

  2. I love how you make it look as if the horse is stepping on the flower. The most simple part of the animation is my favorite.

    1. Katie Smith: Thanks for noticing! I wasn't sure how that would work out...or if anyone would even notice it...glad to see someone did:)

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