Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My latest stop motion animation

The above HTML will take you to my latest stop motion animation called, "Herman Gets Hungry". While the creative process was open, claymation has always been a curiosity of mine which is why I chose to take this chance to experiment with it. I opted to work in scene's to make the organization process a bit less complicated as to create a stop motion animation requires an abundance of images. During the process of creating the animation I discovered exactly how complicated & time consuming such a project can be, which is why I chose only to have the snake made of clay. Retaining the appearance of one clay figure turned out to be quite challenging so backgrounds were drawn by me, and random material objects were used for props. (Including my 3 little natives.) Herman's (HER man) hunger is dealt with in perhaps less of a happy manner, but I went for fun with this project as I am just learning my own capabilities as well as those of the equipment & software I'm using. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I like you Herman claymation figure and how you make him move. I think you were wise to keep the background simple, easier to keep the main focus on Herman!
