Friday, April 20, 2012

...from the kitchen sink

Using the audacity program, I used several sounds that were recorded separately to create a random moment in time.  You can hear the constant chirping of birds: these are the sounds of the morning birds from my own backyard.  The scrambling is my dog...I like the idea of combining the sounds of him randomly through out the piece because I think it reflects the reality of his constant presence in our lives.  Two other, the sound of doing dishes; the other the crinkle of a poptart wrapper.  I combined these sounds to give the idea of the dishes, perhaps cooking up some bacon....A person standing at the kitchen sink, the window above the sink is open so that the sounds of the birds can accompany a breeze that drifts through.  The dog runs back and forth through the room while its master tends to her daily tasks.

These separate sounds, combined together, create another random moment that though hadn't occurred, could have...