Tuesday, May 29, 2012

annoyed with a delay....

Sorry everyone...this video project of mine is causing me grief.  The darn thing is taking or hopefully by now, was taking an excessively long time.  I had to leave before the export was complete with a note on my space not to touch the friggen computer!  YIKES!  Of course I have copies of the work...but I'll have to start this entire process over and that would pretty much bum me out...so a call out to my classmates....keep watch if you are there...PLEASE...I'll be in first thing in the morning...with a hope & a prayer...perhaps all will be just fine:)

But...I was a bit surprised by my classmates responses today for the unedited versions critique.  How wonderful to have a much more open forum from my peers, I know the subject matter is difficult, but they've been listening and I appreciate their open input today...thanks all:)

So...tomorrow...hell or high water...the video will be up in a 'work in progress' phase...please keep checking back as I value all of the insight and encouragement I can get:)

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