Tuesday, May 22, 2012

...a potential video idea for my final

I'm turning over several ideas for my final project, though none have sparked that special something that is needed to push it beyond just an idea....any artist out there can tell you...that's almost a sure death to an idea.

The strongest thoughts I'm having are about an expression of growth.  Over this past year I've dealt with many personal issues...things that have made many uncomfortable, while annoying the shit out of others...In reflection, even that shows growth.

Here are my thoughts thus far:

A clip of me bouncing on a trampoline as a looping scene...similar to the spinning yard yet less obvious. In the foreground of this scene a fire, me, a copy of my manuscript...perhaps a glass of wine...as I burn the pages of the manuscript I'd like to address specific areas of the text with something...maybe old photographs, or video clips I have...I'm not sure how to add these though without distracting too much from the point...perhaps I could actually use text,...words that drift up from the flames... though old photographs feel more along the right path.

It's a letting go of sorts...a moving beyond into this new life I've been working towards.

I'd love to have some feedback on a couple of things.

1.  Should the trampoline scene just be voided out all together...perhaps just very ghostly in the background?

2.  Words from the flames?  Old photographs?

3.  Sound?  I'm thinking of just using the natural night sounds...the risk...traffic or loud noises could potentially interrupt the silence though..any thoughts or suggestions on this?

As far as exhibiting it...I'd really like it to just be shown on a pull down screen...set the scene of classroom...perhaps a desk in front of the screen.  My formal education has played a HUGE part in my growth over the past two years so I want this to be an expression of that education just by the setting it's viewed....my personal growth to be viewed.

As with most of my projects...they are always subject to change...but as I began my brainstorming for this blog...this latest idea is beginning to take shape...feel free to bounce your thoughts with me as there is nothing better to get the creative process flowing:)


  1. 1. Try it both ways...I could see it adding an interesting element, but it may distract from the power of the foreground imagery...Try it and see.
    2. I think either could work...If you do have words, maybe hand write them or scan from your manuscript instead of typing from a software program...I think if you typed them from Final Cut they would look too commercial and not personal enough in relation to your piece...Old photographs could work too and would be more ambiguous...again, I would gather all of the footage and try it both ways...You can also show multiple versions in your work in progress critique...
    3. Some ideas: Maybe natural sounds that come from the footage you gather? Consider recording your voice reading from the manuscript as part of the sound...just a thought...Or, maybe use sounds from videos, films, or audio recordings from that time in your life? Or, sounds from significant objects (coins rattling or spinning, music box, watch ticking, etc.)?

    1. The idea was presented to eliminate the trampoline scene but to use the rhythmic sound of it...I kinda like the idea of this...I'm going to record a few different things and see...perhaps my own sound mix through Audacity...lots of work to do this holiday weekend.

  2. I think Kate's idea of you reading from the manuscript as part of the sound is a good Idea.

    1. I like the idea to...I just don't know...I feel like it makes it too specific to me...if that makes any sense at all...

  3. You know I'm not an artist but what if the sound was more natural, like from everyday life?

    1. A friend suggested the use of the sound of the trampoline rather than an image...I'm going to record that and play with it to see what I can get. The natural sounds have also been considered...I just know it's never 'totally silent' and I think it would be hard to get a clean recording...but I'm going to try that as well...especially the night sounds and the crackle of the fire in a hopes to produce a sound take of my own in audacity. Thanks for the input:)
