Thursday, May 31, 2012

Final Project Work in Progress

Letting Go...

So this is the video I shot for my work in progress.  I've done some minor editing so far, yet still need to work up my artists statement.

I found this project extremely enlightening...I had expected to have such a different response from the act of burning the manuscript.  I had thought I would be overly emotional and upset over the memories this one object carries for me.  What I found was that I wasn't really emotional at all...perhaps a little angry...but the act itself was so empowering and validating.  I'm still taking it all in...

Here's a peek of the video...when I post my final I'll include an appropriate artists statement to accompany the work...until then...I would appreciate any feedback on what I have....thanks:)


  1. I like hearing the fire crackling in the background

    1. Yeah...after a group critique I decided that to retain authenticity in the piece I needed to do as little changing as possible. Other than titles, fades and one spot where I had to put the two clips together but I didn't cut any of it.

  2. The crackling fire and no other sounds. Quiet otherwise all around. The words you write on the manuscript pages. All these pack a powerful punch. There is peace now inside you. Catharsis.
    Emotional release. A great sense of release and empowerment.
