Tuesday, May 1, 2012

down the drain...

This is just a quick 10 second clip that I plan to use in my upcoming experimental film...sort of a teaser to keep you informed on the work I'm doing:)


  1. Nice! I think this would be a powerful looping video all by itself...I am interested in the idea of a frozen moment from the past, a photograph of a child, spinning in an endless, directionless loop.

    1. Ha...I posted a reply...but always forget about this darn reply button...*sigh...

  2. I really like the idea as well...it touches on so many aspects of our lives both as individuals and as a whole....I've felt myself drifting a lot with this project...Once again I feel like I'm trying to put too much into one small project...I think I need to focus more on one thing...or event...or time period...even one feeling...URGH...!

  3. sorry i missed seeing your work in progress before you left today...can't wait to see it on tuesday and just upload a private video work in progress and send me the link if you want feedback before then ....

    1. That's okay...I know you were being pulled in several directions:) I'm hoping to work on it today when I finish in the gallery. I need to add my sound and possibly some text...not sure on that...most likely just a title...do you have any time Monday after 3, I'm not feeling confident with the rendering uploading process. Even perhaps Monday morning, I get there around 8 but John will have his lecture by 8:30...whatever works for you:)
