Monday, May 28, 2012

...bouncing some thoughts

Oh my...oh my...

Life...what a twist it has thrown me at such an odd time.  A moment when my 13 year old daughter defended herself against a sexual assault.  Being the victim of sexual abuse and assault, I find myself both proud of the fact that my daughter kicked this much larger boys ass in front of mortified that she had to defend herself...her body, at the age of 13.  I now understand what her twin has been suffering through...trying to defend her against a group of boys he knew were up to no good.  Taking the abuse in stride just to spare his sister.  I'm obviously speechless about the complete lack of interest from the school...but rather the change in my daughter since the incident several days ago.

So many people think that calling the sheriff and reporting it to the school should be enough.  Trust me, the first thing I think as a survivor I being hyper-sensitive to this case...absolutely not.  But it's still a list...a list of things to check be sure of...and I am.  Now to protect her...from a boy in my neighborhood...a boy who knows where we live and can walk to our residence...I step up...we'll move...I'll home school...whatever it takes to escape this 14 year old boy.

I'm pissed...just simply pissed...Scared for her...and for me....which just pisses me off more.

I just want to be able to make it as an artist.  I wanna be able to take my kids and get the hell out of this stagnant cesspool of an existence and show them the world...the real world.  I'd love to photograph them experiencing other cultures...learning life by living it...MONEY...friggen MONEY!

Show me the way...and I will go...

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