Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Farewell advice...

A performance piece:

When the opportunity to do a performance piece came to light, my mind reeled with a million different idea's...so many things, so many issues that I've longed to address...how could I possibly choose!  But that's the best part about being an artist, you can say what you wanna say for as long as you've got the will to put it out there.

So for this piece I decided to focus on a current issue in mine as well as many of my peers lives, a campus transfer; from regional to main campus...yes...this is a pretty big deal for all of us.  For me, I will so miss the community and friends I have here.  There are times when I know without a doubt, that they have been my inspiration.  I'm surrounded by talented artists of all kinds, and we are supported by an outstanding faculty.  Including my instructor, mentor & friend Kate Shannon, who has by far been the one ongoing force behind my growth as an artist.  She has encouraged my work and helped me to find my own passions, I will miss seeing her every day, but I don't think she'll ever be far.

So as you can see, I'm feeling all mushy and I really wanted to have a chance to just one last time tell my peers how I feel and maybe give them a little advice that might help them along the way.  I sat down with a pen and paper and started a list of all of the things I wanted to tell them, things that I'd wished someone had told me so many years ago....I wanted to share my pearls with this extended family of mine...if it was time to let them go, I wanted it to count...to matter.

The filming was easy...sat down and had my say.  The point of it all isn't really about what those pearls were,   its about the fact that I could pour my heart out, and I do...but who's gonna hear it?  Who wants to hear it?  I think a friend of mine had it right when he said, "All they hear is wa...wa...wah....wa...wa...wa..." and that's probably true. I remember being their age and thinking....Yeah...yeah...whatever... So though my heart was in the right place, I do understand.

But all of this got me thinking about how often more than not, I'm not heard.  How easily it is for my voice to be lost in crowd, ignored or overlooked...how for so many years my voice was not my own.  I thought it was interesting to see myself talking without the sound...to wonder how many conversations I've had where I'd swear it was just me being animated with no sound.  Sure, she's nice to have around, but where's that damned mute button...

I wonder who will hear me now...


  1. This is wonderful!You are one hell of a woman and your kids must be so proud! I can't wait for us to cross paths again, Come visit us in Cleveland and I want to come visit you, we can check out each others work. It really is a special relationship to have a fellow artist that you know can inspire you and encourage you, not strike you down. And we get to celebrate honors together! It really isn't that common to see mothers still following their dream of doing fine art, I mean look at history, it's hard to name famous woman artists; let alone mom artist, But I know you will change that. SO.... LETS GET READY TO TAKE OVER! WATCH OUT ART WORLD! :) Love ya, its been an honor to be your peer and I can't wait to see all the cool stuff you make!_Kat

    1. Diane Arbus, Carolee Schneeman,Barbara Kruger, Cindy Sherman....the list goes on and on...and fortunately I've been exposed to many strong works by women:) But I do hope to make that list:) Being able to share honors with you this year completely awes me! I've admired your work for two years now, to be considered your peer feels incredible! You're a pretty amazing woman yourself Kat...we'll stay connected...strong woman need other strong woman to remind us 'why' when we start to feel beaten...LETS GO GET 'EM GIRL!

  2. Wow Susie, I'm so proud of you! You're movin' up girl....so exciting. You have grown so much in the last few years, it has been very inspiring watching you change into your own person! Love you and wish you the best this world has to offer you! Dawn

    1. Okay Dawn...you just made me cry...thanks for speaking up here...it's nice to know you're out there cheering me on:) I've learned so much about myself over the past two years...my head spins to think of what I'll be in another two! And I have to admit...there's a strange thrill about not knowing where I'll land:) I love you to...
