Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 34: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "Doing what I love to do"

Day 34: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "Doing what I love to do"

February 3, 2013

While I love to work digital, I'm fascinated by shooting film and truly love spending time processing in the darkroom.  Yes, digital makes life a bit 'easier' I suppose.  But there is just something completely magical about creating images that work in the darkroom.  I have the advantage of having access to the university darkroom this semester and the opportunity to improve my skills in this area.  My first few rolls of film were practice in focusing as I tend to have a bit of camera shake fear, this time around I'm just going to town shooting everything and anything just to see what I can capture...I'll be processing two new rolls this afternoon, can't wait to see what's on them!

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