Saturday, February 16, 2013

Day 47: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer " a big F you"

Day 47: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer " a big F you"

February 16, 2013

This is a big "F you" day!  F you to the person who has stolen my identity and my images and placed them on a lesbian russian dating site...for your information...I've been married for over 20 years and have worked very hard to establish myself as an F you for stealing what is rightfully mine, including my privacy and exploiting me as if my children, my husband and my own person have no value!  I've also wasted an entire day on the demands of a teacher, along with a lot of money, trying to satisfy a demand that completely makes the point of an assignment being time and money efficient only to go back to my own original plan....which she didn't think was 'good enough' but completely falls within the boundries of the assignment...NEVER AGAIN...and F you for stealing the time I should have had with my family and to accomplish other things that needed done today...I'm sorry you have no life...but I do....and I resent the fact that my grade has to suffer for it!  Right now...its a big F you to the world...I've struggled for so long...just ONCE I would appreciate it if just one thing could go right for me without a struggle!

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