Friday, February 15, 2013

Day 46: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer 'what if'

Day 46: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer 'what if'

February 15, 2013

I was reading about the beginnings of photography, the microscope and the idea of capturing a 'spirit' using the camera.  There are many interesting ways to produce a 'ghostly' image, the best of them take some staging which I have done many times and enjoy quite a bit.  Tonight I just wanted to see what I could do in a situation where I couldn't control the lighting or conditions...this image has an interesting double...mainly of my hat...but seemed appropriate to what I had read about H.G. Wells and the Invisible Man.  Nothing particularly exciting I suppose, but for me, I enjoy the what if...and I wonder about photography...this is a subject I intend to work with in many different ways the more I explore the 'what if's' in what I do.

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