Monday, February 11, 2013

Day 42: 365 portraits by Susan Komer "Sunset"

Day 42: 365 portraits by Susan Komer "Sunset"

February 11, 2013

Today as I watched the sunset, my mind drifted at ease with itself. I carry so much stress and self-doubt at times that it nearly eats me alive.  And then something happens, like a sunset that catches my eye, where I can see myself in some new light...making progress that I refuse to recognize until it shines so bright I can't deny it.  I had a moment today, one that all artists long for; a bit of recognition for the work I do...when the sun warmed my face and blinded my sight through the kitchen window, I saw myself for a moment with different eyes and felt content with knowing that all is not for not...I have a goal, a purpose...and if I slow down just long enough I can see that I am making that all happen...and that no matter how quickly I will come to me when I reach it...and that takes time, no matter how much I want it now...there is a process...a time of learning...I might need to slow down a bit and not miss the beauty of the ride.


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