Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day 50: 365 portraits by Susan Komer "SUCCESS"

Day 50: 365 portraits by Susan Komer "SUCCESS"

February 19, 2013

Celebrating a little success today!  I had my first completely essay exam a week or two ago in my 500 level art history course which is on the development of sound in narrative film...my first 500 level art history course...which if you're in college/have been to college, than you know these classes are a bit tougher than usual.  I was seriously nervous about this exam, just not knowing what to expect from the teacher or how he graded his written exams...3 questions, 20 minute limits for each and my entire grade rests on 3 of this type of exam...meaning no papers or homework...just exam scores...which in itself can be quite intimidating.  Typically the Professors are known to hand papers back from the highest to lowest scores achieved.  As exams were being handed back...I watched the pile dwindle to a mere 5 test packets...Oh God...I thought I had failed!  When he got to those last five, he announced that though there were other good grades in the class...those last 5 were the only A's!  Yes...one of them was mine!  So I'm celebrating my success tonight....I always work hard at everything I do...feeling like somehow I have more to prove than the others considering I'm old enough to be any one of their Mother's!  Today felt GREAT!  Out of a class of over 60 students, I received one of the top grades in that class...and was asked to read one of my answers aloud so that others could hear what a 'good' essay should sound like!  Holy crap!  Yes...today...no matter what else has or will happen...has been a really good day!

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