Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Day 43: 365 portraits by Susan Komer "Fried"

Day 43: 365 portraits by Susan Komer "Fried"

February 12, 2013

You all know what a busy few weeks I've had, and the end is nowhere in sight.  Today I took a timed essay exam that has my hand cramped and my brain flat out fried.  While I feel consumed and overwhelmed with my work load this semester, I'm also amazed at the many things I've learned...things I know now that I had never even realized I didn't know before. The brain is such an amazing machine, the things it is capable of and the knowledge it can store are beyond anything one might imagine.  Each day I learn something new, each day I file away yet another piece of information that at some point my brain will pull from its depths for my use. A lifetime learner, on an entirely new level...I feel proud of that, even if nobody knows it but me.

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