Thursday, February 7, 2013

Day 38: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer "spoiled"

Day 38: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer "spoiled"

February 7, 2013

Life has been pretty crazy lately and will keep being crazy until this semester comes to a close.  This being the time to file taxes and fill out financial aid forms and apply for scholarships on top of everything else in life, I find myself often struggling with tension headaches.  Yet I feel spoiled just knowing that I can do these things...and I always have Shawn to rub the tension out of my back at the end of a long day. While it might not seem like much to some, to others...yes...I am a lucky girl, and I do feel spoiled that I have someone here to help shoulder the load while so many others have to do it on their own.

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