Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Day 37: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer "Kickin' back"

Day 37: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer "Kickin' back"

February 6, 2013

All I'd like to do right now is kick back and put my feet up for a few minutes...but that's just not going to happen.  I started my day with an 8 a.m. class, headed from there to another until noon, came home to eat lunch and then created my mock-up artbook and finished to blanks for my class which I will be heading out to in a few minutes and won't be home until 10 tonight.  The next couple of weeks are going to be madness as I have lots to do for school along with financial aid and scholarship applications AND getting my taxes done!  Right now, I feel like crying...but I'll get through it...I always do...just feeling guilty for the kids who will have to 'wait' for this all to pass before they get their Mom back...and that just sucks!

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