Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Day 1: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer for 2013

365 Self-portraits for 2013

For quite some time I've wanted to try to shoot a self-portrait each day of a full year.  A few days ago, a friend of mine completed a series of 52; one for each week of the year.  I thought, hmmm...this is doable...when I announced I'd like to try that, another friend informed me that he has done one a day for the past 15 years...yes...I said 15 years!  If he can do that, surely I can do a year!

So that is my challenge for the year...it doesn't seem like a difficult task, until you try it...it can be quite a humbling experience to fail at such an 'easy' task: I know, I've had this thought for years and am just now seriously taking on the challenge.  I've decided to blog each one as a way to also get serious with my efforts to keep this blog going and to try to create some sort of following for my work.

This first image is to represent a fresh start to this new year...washing away my own insecurities and moving ahead with a clean slate.  I encourage you all to leave comments &/ thoughts as constructive feedback is always a benefit to an artist.

Thanks for stopping by...Susan

1 comment:

  1. This might be my favorite I've seen so far. Love the water droplets and the black and white.
