Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 6: 365 self-portraits for 2013 by Susan Komer

Day 6: 365 self-portraits for 2013 by Susan Komer

January 6, 2013

Up until now, I've been on winter break from school...tomorrow I start back to class & hitting the books.  In this photo, I'm getting a head start on reading for my narrative film class.  Spring of 2012 I had the chance to take an awesome class that allowed me to test the waters with film work using final cut pro & sound cloud.  I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it at first, but quickly fell in love with it!  Beginning Tuesday, I'll have the history of narrative film to study and I'm already very enthused!  In high school I never really had much use for studying or homework, but I've waited 20 years to attend college and I'm soaking up every moment like a don't be surprised if my images shift in different directions: I have 3 art classes this semester so I imagine my creative flow will be all over the place!

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