Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Day 8: 365 self-portraits for 2013 by Susan Komer

Day 8: 365 self-portraits for 2013 by Susan Komer

January 8, 2013

Okay...so today's post is a bit of a cheat.  I do a daily challenge with prompts in an art group I belong to...today's prompt was...when you wear those dresses...I decided to roll with it because I can remember wearing nothing but dresses as a little girl.  My mother even use to make me dress after dress...yes...I was one of those little girls who played in a dress even though I was a horrid tomboy!  Now...well...I hate them!  I am just not a dress girl at all...pant suits...fine...even a skirt now and then if I can 'art it up'...but dresses...I feel like a fish out of water in a dress...YIKES!

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