Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 28: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "friggen homework"

Day 28: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "friggen homework"

January 28, 2013

As much as I enjoy the majority of my classes...even the homework for the most part....its the readings that kill me.  So easy to fall behind on reading and then playing catch up becomes the battle.  This semester I just feel buried beneath an unsurmountable amount of busy work.  It seems that every class I'm taking is pushing this busy work and finding some way to be sure we're doing it...such as short summaries or suggesting that one exam question will come specifically from the readings...added work just to give saying, go here (somewhere outiside of campus on our own if we have it) ...view that...write a paper...and then offerring maybe 2 points for the work.  ALL of my classes this semester have several of these outside on our own time events that monopolize time we could be using to complete the assigned projects which have short deadlines...or they use our classtime for these events telling us we'll have to get our projects done on our own time.  Perhaps if I didn't also have children to raise it wouldn't be so tough... BLAH...BLAH...BLAH...yes I'm point in is what it is...and I have to play catch up RIGHT NOW!

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