Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 10: 365 self-portraits of 2013 by Susan Komer

Day 10: 365 self-portraits of 2013 by Susan Komer

January 10, 2013

This has been a very busy week...while I do the mundane & necessary, my mind is working through a paper I have to write about excellence.  I had to read an article comparing competitive swimmers at different levels and how they achieve excellence as well as how we as society perceive their excellence. It was very interesting to compare my own thoughts of achieving excellence or success; I find myself searching comparison to my own life.  Social stratification, as well as our own perceived 'position' in this life can either make or break us.  Sometimes we have to open our own doors to success if we hope to achieve excellence in this life...but even excellence is merely a perception of the person and the goals they have set for themselves.

I think one of the biggest things I took from this article was that to achieve it...we need to look at what's in front of us and attack each task as if we've done it before.  Stop judging ourselves and do our best...qualitative rather than quantitative...understanding that you can't do better by doing more...but rather by learning to do better.

So while I sat, eating chicken wings & watching the news, my mind circled with thoughts of 'what can I do better', 'what new door do I need to open', how can I 'push myself beyond without compromising who I am'...'how can I reach my own perceived idea of excellence'...'will I allow society to determine that for me', 'will I cave in to the idea that I am where I am and always will be' many little memory of my quickie meal...a load of questions to put forth in the paper I need to write...which provided I give it my best...will be excellent! ( least in my mind)

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