Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 25: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "why? why not!"

Day 25: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "why? why not!"

January 25, 2013

I did this one because so many people say things to me like, "I wish I could..."  My question...why not? We all have it in us to be whoever we want to be...for me...each day is a surprise.  Its not about if I can...its more about if I feel like it!  I am not so easy to read...not just one face, feeling or level of human being...I am anything & everything and being able to just dress, look or be however I feel on any given day is my freedom and yours.  So let it roll...feel it...embrace it all...we only have one life and I'm planning on living mine as I more restraints on who I am...hell...I'm not even sure who that is which is the complete beauty of it all!

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