Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 15: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer "paint class"

Day 15: 365 self portraits by Susan Komer "paint class"

January 15, 2013

After shooting in the photo lab yesterday...I decided to give you a bigger glimpse into my life on campus.  This shot was taken at the end of my painting class...I had most things cleaned up and put away, but I needed to gather the last of my things to run off to catch my next class.  While everyone else had moved on...except for my instructor...I shot this pic while packing up my bag and was nearly late for my next class.  Photography is so addictive for me...I could have cared less if I were late...I wasn't...I had to run...but made it on time and couldn't wait to get home to see what I'd caught on my camera...yes..its safe to say...photography IS my priority!

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