Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 29: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "family dinner, Komer style"

Day 29: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "family dinner, Komer style"

January 29, 2013

Today's post is a double feature...that's right folks...two portraits...more family style (though my two oldest boys aren't present)  I have had a pretty stressful couple of weeks, what has gotten me through?  ....my family!  Some people think we can be a bit odd...I think we're great!  Having a group that just makes me laugh and rolls with every moment right along with me is the most awesome thing I have going for me.  Laughs in life...or laughing at life can be hard to do sometimes...that's when you need most to make those moments happen.  We're a pretty fun bunch of people, especially when we're all together...oh goodness...if my older two had been around this could have been rolling on the floor laughter...but they do grow up...sad as that may be...but we're still yucking it up with them close at heart!  Some things will never change...I can just see me & Shawn years from now still doing asparagus fangs over dinner...at least I sure hope so!

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