Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 27: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "prepping my canvas"

Day 27: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "prepping my canvas"

January 27, 2013

It has been a very busy weekend of time spent reading, writing papers, working in the darkroom, stretching & prepping a canvas...along with day to day life!  Tonight I put the last coat of gesso on my canvas which needs to be prepped & ready to go by Tuesday for my first shot at a color painting...below the portrait I'll post my first shot of my first black & white on dry canvas...UGH...very difficult, and shows I have much to learn.  That's what its all about though...and exactly why I'm studying for my is something I enjoy more than anything else...but all of the arts spark a passion in me. I'm hoping that with some time and practice, I won't be so embarrassed of my paintings!

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