Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day 24: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "home school"

Day 24: 365 self-portraits by Susan Komer "home school"

January 24, 2013

For me to be able to finish my own education, I needed to move my family to the 'big city' where an education for my children would not quite have been all we'd have desired.  To make it all work, I decided to home school the kids...not a choice made lightly!  So when I finish my own day of classes, I come home and do theirs...and THEN I get to do my own homework.  We tried the hour commute for nearly 3 months and it just wasn't now...though I have more time and easier lab & studio life is always school...either my own or theirs.  For me, my own education...a dream I've held onto for over 20 years...makes this all worth it!  One day, I'll be finished...something I'm doing for myself but will hopefully be a benefit to us all...So when I'm feeling totally beat...I keep my eye on the light at the end of the tunnel...and remember that the sacrifices I'm making now serve a greater purpose...I HOPE!

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